Dog Eat Dog

+ Sudden Waves

When: 28.09.2024
The doors: 18:30
Start: 19:30
Headliner: Dog Eat Dog
Support: + Sudden Waves
Organizer: Knock Out Productions
Types of tickets

Close your eyes and imagine it's the 90s, or no, don't close anything. Just direct your steps to Warsaw's Progresja on September 28, because Dog Eat Dog will be playing there - it couldn't be more "90s".


Dog Eat Dog is an essential example of what the 90s were about in alternative rock. This era was all about complete freedom and miscellany, and any deviation from the norm was welcomed with open arms. Their legendary debut, "All Boro Kings" (which turned thirty this year), operates with mediums ranging from hardcore to funk, rap or metal, and sounds completely coherent in the process. So does the rest of the material, including this latest, "Free Radicals" from last year. There will be crossover, there will be hits, there will be great fun, be there.